Ladder Lifts Roofing Materials
GEDA USA’s original guided wire rope ladder hoist is used by roofers, construction workers and scaffolders because it provides easy, reliable transport for interior work, refurbishment or repairs on flat-roof buildings. Our ladder lift roofing material is crafted from durable, sturdy aluminum and steel wire rope, the ladder hoist easily transports roof shingles, construction materials and solar panels.
Ladder lift roofing materials is best used for roof repairs, interior renovations and other work requiring bulk load delivery can be made safer and more efficient with the GEDA USA’s guided rope ladder hoist. There are multiple load receptacles for different types of equipment or building materials. Ladder lift hoists are proven to save time and effort on the jobsite.
Manufactured to meet the challenges of roofers and construction crews, the GEDA USA ladder lift is a durable, safe way to ensure material transport in a variety of environments. Guided rope hoists reduce workplace fatigue, since workers are not required to hand-carry or lift heavy loads. Less time and energy expended equals a decreased risk of on-site accidents and injuries, and higher productivity levels.
Using the Ladder Lift for Roofing Materials - The ladder lift can be equipped to carry roofing materials from ground levels to the top of a building, cutting down on labor fatigue and damaged materials.
General Contractors
Mounting and assembly of the shingle lift and ladder components are easy and fast, and require no specialized equipment. GEDA USA prides itself on creating leading-edge, safe and reliable vertical transport solutions for customers spanning the globe.
Special accessories enable virtually all types of materials to be transported upwards to the roof and into the building. Whether for bricklayers, interior fitters, roofers, tilers or floor installers, the GEDA Ladder Lift has the right load handling devices for any construction material and any application. The GEDA Ladder Lift transports materials up to 550 lbs with a lifting speed up to 70 ft/min.
Ladder Lift 250 Accessories
GEDA USA Ladder Lift Spec Sheet
In addition, all GEDA material hoists are built to comply with safety and industry standards, and come with comprehensive warranties. For more information, or to place a Ladder Hoist order, contact the GEDA USA team today.
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